Well, he's one of my bestie whom I met in college :) My mum calls him a cutie pie !!!
ROFL!He's too humble to admit it :O
Anyway, I have pics of him with me but I'm not sure how would he feel if I posted up a picture of him,himself and HIM :P But I managed to get one cool one which I think is sufficient enough for you guys to get an idea on how he looks like. Not to mention, what he does :S
( I.hate.the.fact.that.there's.no.emoticons.here).
(Anyhooosss) HEre it is!

Ok the indication is bad...I know xD LOL...But I admit that I ain't pro with Photoshop and suddenly lost all skills I had. Well if I had any anyway o_O
But the dude at the bottom left end is BRIAN! :D
Cool stuff huh? That's him in the process editing his work :)
FYI, Brain too has a blog on blogspot. So, if you want to know more about Brain, please visit http://absolutezeon.blogspot.com/ (I'm giving you free publicity Brain ;P)
And I just realised he has posted up lots of pics in his blog. So, if what I posted up there wasn't good enough (which I can guess isn't :P), then check out his blog.
Anyway, adios amigo! Have to do my assignments now! HAve two due next week... And I was so hoping I would be able to snuggle up in my bed and read the Secret River (TEE HEE) on this rainy and windy night :D
PS: I'll post up more stuff this week. Well, I hope anyway :) Hehe... Have loads to show you. But want to keep you guys in anticipation anyway :P
eh, apasal u promote me ar? me no big star la, anybody can do de design like wat i did leh.. so embarrasing... >.<"
next time if i c u, i'll use RIDSECT thn u noe! hahahaha!
btw ME NO CUTIE PIE! im not! it makes me sound like a small cute lil innocent kid.. -_-" n IM NOT! *faint
but hope u do like d pressie! hahahah
Nobody ask about me is it? Oh my hotness level gone down the drain :P Thats if I was ever hot.. Anyways, Mei forgot to mention one thing and I must add..
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