"I feel like a crippled," I complaint. I was trying a walking stick when me and my boy were heading out. Here I am limping and feeling helpless. I had to DEPEND on this stick to get me around. My boyfriend went "Even the best athletes fall down". And it struck me. Athletes go through this countless of times. I can't imagine what Chong Wei went through when he was injured. The gold medal for the London Olympics was just within his reach but he probably has to let go of that dream.

"I was sooo freakin'close!"
Pix souce: The Star Online
I injured my foot while running last Monday and I have been limping everywhere since then. I took it real hard. You name it. I whined, complaint and shed some tears to say the least.
I have worked so hard since November to arrive to where I was- at my peak. I couldn't accept that all my hardwork, my blood, sweat and tears going down the drain. I lost 5.5 kg and I planned to lose more. More importantly, I was healthy and strong.
Now, you won't be seeing me running around the neighbourhood easily for 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks. And busting out a half an hour high intensity interval training after that by the way.
My boy reminded me that even the best athletes succumb to injuries. True, I thought.
Athletes have to train really hard before a major competition. An injury can be unforgiving.To go down like that is painful: not just physically but mentally. You think about all the time and effort you took to hone your skills and strength to arrive at this juncture, only to be taken away in a second.
But it reminded me how sportsmanship is important. I could go on all day and sulk. Kick up a fuss! (believe me I did). But like an athlete, injuries only make them determined more than ever to get back in the game. This is life. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And I agree that to pick myself up and I need to put my chin up. My leg could have been broken and I would have to be on hiatus on my workout for a loooong time.
Thankfully, it isn't.

Pick yourself up when life hits you with another SURPRISE :)
Pix source: http://www.beforehealth.co.cc/
So, I'm going to take the next two to three weeks as a time for me to reflect my life, read the books I bought that have been nicely collecting dusts on my desks... and just enjoy being a blob :P
Although that doesn't mean I'm totally not going to workout. I'll wait till week two until I start again slowwwlyyyy... But be assured that I will reach my goal. This is just a small bump I'll get over to get to reach for MY stars ;)