Don't say I didn't warn you but basically yes, this is a post designated for...well, ranting. I just started working for a media company not too long ago and I can honestly say that... I love it.
Stressful does not even begin to express how things are of late. I haven't really been sleeping or eating right. Sometimes it's my off day but I get agitated and restless, thinking I should be working today. I know... quite a downer eh?
However, the experience is worth it. I have never felt so alive and so in tune with society until I joined the company.
I get to meet different people everyday. Mingle and socialise. Most importantly, I get to broaden my horizons as I am fed with new information and knowledge everyday. What more can one ask for?
Oh yeah, money. I knew that taking this step would require me to take a salary cut. But yeah, other than the moolah issues, am good.
Oh I learnt something very valuable during assignments: take everything with a pinch of salt. Everything. 'Nuff said.
Anyway am off to enjoy my offday! Nothing beats not needing to go through the horrible jam on a Monday!
What To Wear: Spring Break
6 years ago